Man... I was doing so good! Sorry to not post any updates for so long. Everyone is alive & well :) Our little girl is still growing healthy and strong. So healthy in strong in fact that she has raised some eyebrows. The Dr. had to measure 3 times at one appointment to try and make her smaller. He didn't have much luck. Kinda gets my hopes up the we will have her sooner rather than later, but still sticking to the 16th in my head. Had another appt yesterday and everything is still good. We have been doing appts every 2 weeks for a while now and they are pretty routine. Crazy how in the beginning every moment in the Dr's office is so intense and important, and around the end it is just... casual. They just kinda have you hang our for a while, check a few things, and have a chat with the big man and send you on your way. We will be 35 weeks on Sunday according to the August 16th due date. I am so excited. I know we have a ways to go, but it just feels like we are on the right track for delivery prior to 08/16. I'm starting to think we should open up a money pool. Joey thinks she'll arrive in about 4 weeks which would put us around August 6th. I am reserving August 17th just to keep my mind on track. I would hate to start believing it was sooner and be miserable after it didn't happen. Would love to hear you guess :).

Everything else is going well. We're just working like crazy, & livin life. Here are a few pictures of the archery shoot and the 4th of July this last weekend. I'm not in them because I'm behind the camera, but I did manage to find a pregnancy picture with Joey's family at a softball game recently (see top of post). I'll work on getting more pictures on I swear. Love you all! Hope all is well for
you and yours!

I LOVE the first reminds me of my daddy!
I'm voting for August 4th...but then again I am a bit biased because that is my birthday! It doesn't matter when she gets here...we'll just be excited when she does! I'm stealing the first picture too. Love you!
These are my VERY favorite pics of Joey. He looks so so so happy and like he's having fun. I love it. I sure love seeing you guys having great times. I love you guys and I'm excited to see you soon.
i hear August 15th is the day all the cool kids are born. (me being one of them!!) i vote for that day. good luck. i will be seeing you guys soon YAY!!
How exciting to have the due date coming closer! We just had our little baby boy. Children are such a blessing. We also have some other good news - we might see you at Kirsten's wedding! We are hoping to be able to make it! Take care. Love,
Anne :)
Wow! You guys look so good!!! I can't wait for baby time!!!! Soon!!!!!!!! Love yas!
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